Tu entorno está a punto de ser transformado, la desinformación es parte de la estrategia. Ponemos a tu disposición parte de la información que la sociedad civil ha estado recabando en torno a los proyectos del gobierno para la instalación de plantas regasificadoras transnacionales a lo largo de la costa de Baja California. Tu participación es necesaria humanidadesycultura@yahoo.com

miércoles, julio 27, 2005

Hasta los surfos andan tristes


July 26, 2005

Harry's Gone : An interview with the pall bearers at the funeral of a surf spot.

By Chris Dixon

Surfermag.com correspondent


SURFERMAG.COM: Jason, a couple of weeks ago you and Serge Dedina went down to Harry's to see what's happened with the construction of the Shell/Sempra liquid natural gas plant. What happened?

JASON MURRAY: We went to the spot twelve miles north of Ensenda pretty early in the morning. We had to park at Bajamar because the normal access has been closed off with a gate, barbwire and security people. There's now an exit off the freeway but only for construction access. So we had to park about two miles north of Harry's.

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